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On going Projects

Resettlement of Families Displayed Due to Floods, landslides and landslide High Risk.

  • Resettlement of  the families vulnerable to landslides.
  • NDRSC is funding and coordinating the Resettlement programme (Owner-driven construction /Pre-cast house construction).
  • NBRO has identified a beneficiary list of 11,517, residing in 121 Divisional Secretariats in 14 Districts.
  • Resettlement options as per Cabinet decisions:

Option 01:

If a plot of land (approximately 10 perches) is provided by the Government, the beneficiaries are granted Rs. 1.2 Mn for the construction of the house, in four (04) installments, based on the stages of completion.

Option 02:

If the State land is not available, an additional amount of 0.4 million is  provided to purchase a suitable land in addition to the 1.2 million given for the construction of the house.

Option 03:

Rs. 1.6 million is provided to purchase a suitable land with a house.

  • Payment is released in installments.
  • Approval and the recommendation of the NBRO is required.
  • In 2016-2017 the Cabinet has approved to resettle the families whose houses are damaged by landslide and families reside in landslide high risk areas identified by NBRO.


Improving Safety Center Facilities


  • To fulfill the basic needs of the affected people retained in the safety centers and to create a safe and comfortable environment in the safety centers during disaster periods.

Improvements include;

  • Construction of new sanitary facilities / improve the existing sanitary facilities (Toilets and bathing facilities).
  • Construction of separate facilities for lactating mothers and pregnant women.
  • Repairing / refurbishing of the existing buildings and roofs.
  • Provision of water and electricity.


Implementation of Contingency Clan for Disaster Services.

  • The Contingency plan was Introduced in 2017 as a ‘Relief and Response Preparedness Plan’ (Contingency Plan).
  • Objective of the Contingency plan was to facilitate the efficient and effective provision of disaster relief and recovery.
  • Plans have been developed for all 332 Divisional Secretariats
  • The contingency plan is updated annually


Facilitating and Monitoring the Distribution of Drinking Water during Extreme Dry Weather Conditions.

  • Provision of funds to District and Divisional Secretaries to distribute drinking water to the affected families.
  • Payments for divers and assistants, water, fuel and other expenses.
  • Provided lorry bowsers, tractor bowsers and water tanks.
  • Provisions for the construction or improvement of water sources.


Resettlement of families displaced due to Floods, Landslides and Landslide high - risk

Last Updated on Monday, 15 February 2021 06:36  

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